NES Games


FDS Games


SNES Games


GB Games


GBC Games


GBA Games


VB Games


N64 Games


NDS Games


The Game Boy Advance (GBA) is a 32-bit handheld game console, manufactured by Nintendo, which was released in Japan on March 21, 2001, and to international markets that June. It was later released in mainland China in 2004, under the name iQue Game Boy Advance. Compared to the Game Boy Color it replaced, the console offered far more powerful ARM7 processor and vastly improved graphics, while retaining backward compatibility with games initially developed for its predecessor.
Play Novel - Silent Hill (J)(Rapid Fire)
Play-Yan Micro (J)(Independent)
Playan - Portable AV Player (J)(Independent)
Pocket Dogs (U)(Trashman)
Pocket Music (E)(Venom)
Pocket Professor - Kwik Notes Vol. 1 (U)(Independent)
Pocky & Rocky with Becky (U)(Venom)
Poke Inu - Poket Dogs (J)(Independent)
Pokemon - Liquid Crystal Version
Pokemon AlteRed (v1.11.1)
Pokemon AlteRed (v2.2)
Pokemon AlteRed (v2.3)
Pokemon AlteRed with Gun (v2.2)
Pokemon AlteRed with Gun (v2.3)
Pokemon Amalga Magenta 1.2.1
Pokemon Blue Stars 3 Forces
Pokemon Charged Red V1.1.02
Pokemon Charged Red V1.1.03
Pokemon Charged Red V2.0.1
Pokemon Charged Red v2.0.3
Pokemon Clover v1.3
Pokemon Conversion Emerald Beta v176
Pokemon Crown (Beta 1 v9)
Pokemon Dark Worship
Pokemon Dark Worship English Completed
Pokemon Darkfire
Pokemon Demon Island 1.3f.2
Pokemon Diabound Beta 1.0
Pokemon Different
Pokemon Elite Redux v1.5.2
Pokemon Elite Redux v1.6.1
Pokemon Elite Redux v2.1
Pokemon Emerald Crest v1.0.3
Pokemon Emerald Crest v1.0.8.6
Pokemon Emerald DX Beta v0.5
Pokemon Emerald Enhanced v9.302